Well we are getting ready to move on to Austin as my aunt and uncle have graciously offered to lend us their place there for a few days. It's pretty weird. It feels like a holiday or vacation and then I remember that my city is a warzone. I am definitely experiencing survivor's guilt for not being there and struggling through it with our friends and neighbors. I also am so uplifted by stories I've read in the Chronicle about neighbors helping neighbors. What can we do? I suppose there will be plenty of needs to meet when we do get back. My prayer is that God will use us, show us how and where to go to help.
I wonder if Sydney will remember any of this. Miraculously she slept through the worst part of the storm, and didn't really seemed fazed by the sound of the two dozen or so tornadoes that were terrorizing the Heights. My own denial rationalized through all of it . I kept thinking, "oh, it must just be the wind." And "our front door is not sealed very well." Basically it sounded like a freigh train pounding through our front door.
Well I am going to send a text messsage to friends and fam to let them know they can follow us here if they want to. And we're off. Lord, thank You for your provision and protection for us, please provide comfort and shelter for our neighbors in Houston, show us how we can be your hands and feet on earth. We love you Lord. Amen.
Love, Cameron
i'm so glad to learn that you're well. you were very smart to batten-down the hatches and ride out the storm elsewhere.
ha ha. we actually rode it out i H town then left town the next day. not smart but ok. xo.
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