I cut my hair. 10 inches! Yeah! I am sending it to locks of love tomorrow. I feel like a new person! Hooray. I just got wind of a million amazing new techie geek website-y things that are going to be mainstream in about 5 minutes. Like google mainstream. Big. Really, really big. I signed up for twitter and you should to. My handle is 'missionarymama'. I know it's not a handle, but that's just a funny word and makes me think of smoky and the bandit. Ok, night, night off to read the trashy vampire novel set in Eastern Europe I bought in the airport. Can I be an Eastern Europe-o-phile? I met a Russian today and almost cried.
Love, Cameron
1 comment:
I cut all my hair off in May and donated it as well (I think mine was 12", I was milking it). It was such a weight off but now I really miss my long hair. My hair's now at that awkward length where I can just barely pull it back w/ a band (and have it stay) but I'm more of a claw person and it's still not long enough for that...
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